Introducing Art at an Early Age

Children have a natural spirit of curiosity and I believe introducing art at an early age is important and very necessary as they work through the world to see how it works. Research has shown that including art activity programs at an early age develops brain capacity. Introducing art at an early age is key. Introducing art activities to young children supports the development of many skills including cognitive development, fine motor skills, and language skills.

Cognitive Skills

Cognitive skills can be developed through practicing skills like cause and effect when creating a picture with crayons. When introducing art at an early age children will start to understand while using crayons to draw the harder you press the darker the color.

Unrestricted Art

Art is unrestricted and helps children to learn by causing a connection in their brains while having fun. Artistic expression is not only great for developing important skills and supporting learning, but it also helps to relieve stress and overall health and well-being. While learning to dance children develop control of their bodies as well as coordination and their listening and understanding skills will improve. When children are creating, they become deeply involved concentrating and exploring in amazement, helping them to communicate and interact with an expression showing that art helps with communicating beyond a verbal language.

Problem Solving Skills

Experimenting through art helps children create problem-solving skills by exploring and working through challenges. Including art introduces social and emotional skills. With art exploration, social and emotional skills are practiced. By practicing sharing and taking turns along with showing appreciation for the efforts of others.

Fine Motor Skills

Art education develops children’s motor skills. When snipping paper with scissors we see fine motor development. Additionally squeezing a bottle of glue while creating a mosaic piece of art can develop fine motor skills. Having art in an early child development program will help children develop, work, and learn skills. Learning these new skills will set young children up for success throughout their entire lives.

This blog was written by Nikki Sutton-Mackey. Nikki is currently a student with where she hopes to obtain her Child Development Associate (CDA).

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