Summer Fun Activities!
As the hot summer months are among us I wanted to provide some “cool down” activities you can incorporate into your lesson plans to use with your kiddos! Some of these ideas may be more appropriate in a Montessori classroom, but they certainly can be used in any childcare set up. The first activity is ice chalk. There are many different ways to make ice chalk, so I would suggest looking on Pinterest to find the recipe that is most appropriate for your children. They can be part of the process by combining ingredients, and assisting an adult while they pour the mixture into containers to freeze. A helpful tip is to place Popsicle sticks into the mixture for any children with sensory concerns.
Another great activity is shaving cream! This is best used outside, but is also easily wiped away inside as well. Using a plastic table, provide shaving cream for children to write, draw and build creations. A large bucket of water and some paper towels provides an easy clean up at the end, and a way for the kids to cool off!
Both of these activities provide a sensory aspect and allow the children to have a hands on experience. I hoped you like this little summer activities! At we want to think outside of the box, feel free to send me an email with any of your fun summer ideas!