Category: Gross Motor

messy kids

Messy Children – Let Them Make a Mess

Mess, is such a scary word to some of us. Messy children and making a mess are part of any quality childcare program. But also making a mess is such an important tool for your young one.  Making a mess gives your children benefits such as: Fine & Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills are

Snow Much Fun

Children love their outside time it gives them a change of scenery and a breath of fresh air! The children look forward to their playtime outdoors so they can explore the playground they get to go on walks, play with water toys, chalk, and they especially get to run off all of their energy! Once

Our Little Busy Bees

Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder in children. Symptoms include hyperactivity/impulsivity that affects each child differently. Children living with symptoms such as losing things, being easily distracted, and forgetful are quite common in children starting at the age of 6 to 12. ADHA can also be diagnosed when a child becomes a


Obstacle Course Time!

I am thrilled about the warmer weather that is starting to set in, hopefully it is here to stay! I was thinking this month about how much fun I used to have as a child creating and executing obstacle courses when it was nice enough to go outside. There are so many ways you can

Spring is in the Air!

As soon as the first warm day following winter arrives, I start to have summer on my mind. I skip right over “spring” and start to imagine summer. This is because as a regular education teacher in a public school, I have the luxury of not working in the summer. It seems though, that people


Finding Everyday Items to Use as Toys and Learning Items

For this months topic I was thinking about how often children find random household objects to play with throughout the day. Most children I know have used pots and pans to form their own band, or made a collection from various items outside. Using these types of creative play in the classroom or home childcare

Summer Fun in Your Child Care Center

Summer is in full swing and with this time of year, usually comes a more relaxed child care/family care environment. Most teachers are happy to be outdoors, and most children are even happier to have more free time to explore and play. Walks to the local library, playground, bookstore, park, etc. are all possibilities now.


Summer Fun Activities!

As the hot summer months are among us I wanted to provide some “cool down” activities you can incorporate into your lesson plans to use with your kiddos! Some of these ideas may be more appropriate in a Montessori classroom, but they certainly can be used in any childcare set up. The first activity is

Outdoor Play

Outdoor play is a very important part of an early childhood education program. Playing outside is the a great way for children to develop their gross motor skills by running, jumping, skipping, etc.  It also helps  with developing social skills, teamwork, and imaginative play.  It allows children to use their senses to learn about the


Upper Body Strength

Most of you may have been a little confused when seeing the title of this blog post. Something I have been learning more about recently is the importance of children putting weight through their upper extremities while they develop. Babies learn to crawl by pushing up onto their arms and strengthening those muscles. Some of