Using Google Docs for CDA Class


As educators, you are continuously coming up with new ideas for lesson plans, decorating the class room and planning events for families to showcase your students’ work. It can be overwhelming, and that it why it so important to have a variety of resources! During the Child Development Associate (CDA) program we require an assignment to provide a lesson plan. I challenge students to try and expand that lesson in their own time. My first go to is Pinterest. Create a board and you will be able to use it as a reference for creative ideas. Another idea is to create a Google Doc with fellow educators and provide tips and tricks that you have tried during your experience. With a Google Doc, you can explain what went well and what you needed to improvise depending on your student population. This allows for other educators to take the idea and make it more suiting for their classroom. It can be challenging to accommodate for various learning styles in a classroom, but with help from peers and co-workers as well as online resources, you will feel more prepared.