Writing a Professional Email

Written by: Instructor Tiffany

When drafting an email, there are several important things to consider. The first thing you need to consider, is your audience. Chances are, the email you are about to send will be to someone professional , such as a boss, co – worker, Instructor, potential employee, or other professional agency from which you need assistance and are hoping to receive a reply. Increase your chances of receiving the reply you need by considering the following:

1. Identify the goal of your email. Put this in the Subject line of the email. For example, if you are sending an email to someone and you require their assistance, briefly describe the problem in the subject line: (Example Help with Resetting My Password )

2. Keep it concise, but be sure to include all of the important information the recipient will need. For example, if you need someone to look over your work, be sure to include all information about the work, including any important attachments. Remember that email chains t hat go back and forth will have your previous conversations attached, but if you start a new email chain, you will need to recap why you are emailing. Be sure to include all of the important information again.

3. Proofread your email! Spelling ALWAYS counts and so does proper grammar, so be sure to re – read your email out loud to yourself before sending. Remember to keep it professional; you are not texting a friend. 4. Finally, be sure to use proper email formatting. This includes the subject line, greeting/salutation, message in the body of the email (including what you need or expect in the reply email), and a FULL signature. Be sure to sign every email with your full name. Please see the image below for a more in depth description of each of these components.