Time Management Skills in the Childcare Classroom
Time management skills in the childcare classroom are what will ensure you are a fabulous teacher of young children. As a teacher, there is a lot that needs to be done in our day. Whether that’s planning activities, teaching multiple subjects, or even just guiding the children to their next destination. It is important to plan and manage our time to help reduce panic and stress.
Working in a Classroom Setting
Working in a classroom setting means you are constantly teaching children. Time management skills in the classroom will help in all subjects. Whether it’s Math, Reading, Writing, or basic life and social skills. As a teacher, it is important to learn how to make time for everything. Teachers need to plan, prioritize, and be prepared for emergencies. When you plan your day ahead of time it makes the day go by more smoother. It is important to plan and prepare so that when tragedy strikes, you are ready. When things don’t go our way it can cause the flow of the classroom to change. It is important for teachers to remain restful even when things don’t go our way. How we react to disasters will reflect on the children in our classroom.
Planning Ahead
Knowing the importance of time management and planning ahead, it is important to know how to accomplish this. Setting goals is a good way to learn to manage time wisely. Knowing exactly where you are, plan to be, and where you plan your children to be will help prioritize the daily activities you choose to do in your classroom. Another way to help with time management skills is to have a set schedule every day. When working with younger children things don’t always go our way. It is important to have structure and routine in order to be able to constantly move ahead with our day. Not only does this make things easier for us as teachers, but children also benefit from routine and structure.
This blog has been created by Gisselle Ramirez who is a current Early Childhood Education Assistant. Gisselle is working towards achieving her CDA. She is a current student at CDACLASS.org. Gisselle has been working with children for a little over a year now. She hopes to become a leader at her job for the Infant room. In addition, she enjoys going to the movies and spending time with her family.