Category: Classroom Environment

toddler fine motor skills

Routines Rule

In our chaotic world, parenting young children can be challenging. We are all busy with everyday life. However, there is one important tool that we all can use: routines. Websters defines routine as: a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program, or the usual series of things that you do at a particular time.

Routines for Children & the Importance of Routines 

As a mother and a teacher, I have noticed one very specific thing about young children – they thrive with a routine. After a while of having my own child and working with other children, I have come to recognize the importance and how much of a difference having a routine makes in transitioning from

Playing Learning Growing

Playing Learning Growing

Playing learning growing. Sometimes as “Early Childhood Educators “ we often ask ourselves if we are doing enough inside our classroom. The answer is “yes you are.” It’s important for children to explore their own interests and surroundings while playing. We have to remember that children learn through play. The importance of play in early

Time Management

Time Management Skills in the Childcare Classroom

Time management skills in the childcare classroom are what will ensure you are a fabulous teacher of young children. As a teacher, there is a lot that needs to be done in our day. Whether that’s planning activities, teaching multiple subjects, or even just guiding the children to their next destination. It is important to

Classroom Pets in Childcare

Classroom pets in childcare can be very rewarding and an excellent teaching tool. It can foster responsibility, compassion, and gentleness as well as bring an aspect of science to your class. The age of your class can help determine what kind of classroom pet is best suited for them.  And don’t worry there are several

Sign Language in Childcare

Teaching Sign Language in Childcare is Beneficial 

There are many benefits to teaching sign language in childcare from the beginning, far more than can fit into this blog, but I want to highlight a couple that I find most important.  Communicate before the verbal ability People tend to be happier when they can successfully communicate their ideas, and children are no exception.

Gardening with Kids

There are various ways that I love to keep children engaged with the beauty of nature. Gardening with kids can be so exciting. Having kids take responsibility in the classroom can start with smaller steps such as watering the plants. However, once they become more reliable on these smaller tasks they can go on to

Health and Safety in Childcare Settings

Starting something new isn’t always easy. Some of us as adults have a hard time starting new things so you could only imagine the feeling as a child. Preschool is fun and exciting. Also, health and safety are often a big first for both parent and child. Hunting for the right preschool isn’t always easy

Giving Children Choices

Giving Children Choices

Before working with school-age children and toddlers, I was a parent and I learned quickly it is about giving children choices. When I began working as a paraprofessional, I was given a brief training on how to handle situations that required a little extra care. They offered ideas such as setting timers, sensory walks, and

messy kids

Messy Children – Let Them Make a Mess

Mess, is such a scary word to some of us. Messy children and making a mess are part of any quality childcare program. But also making a mess is such an important tool for your young one.  Making a mess gives your children benefits such as: Fine & Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills are